Sunday, June 13, 2010

My bread!!!

I haven't got the points for this because the slices vary, but I'm very proud of it!!!!!

450g white flour
1 1/4 tsp salt
yeast - I use a sachet of dried yeast. Pour 350ml tepid water in a bowl and dissolve 1 tsp sugar. Sprinkle dried yeast on top and leave for 15 mins and it will froth up.

Pop flour, salt and yeast/water mixture in a food processor and with a dough attachment knead until it's all mixed together. Put dough in a large greased bowl (I use spray oil), cover with film that has been sprayed. It needs to rise 3 times it's original size. Turn dough out on to a floured surface and knead lightly for 2-3 mins. Cover again and let it rise 3 times it's original size.

Divide dough in half and rest for 5 mins.

Roll out each piece on a floured surface in a rectangle (15 x 10"). Roll up tightly like a swiss roll. Pinch the seams to seal. Place loaves seam side down on baking sheet and taper the ends with your fingers. Cover again and let them rise 3 times their original size. Cut diaganol slashes across each loaf then back at 200c for 25 mins.


It seems like a lot of work, but soooooooooooooooo worth it!!!

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