Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bacon and egg RacMuffin

5 points. 1 serving

1 english muffin
2 slices ww bacon
1 egg
1 slice Kraft free cheese
fresh spinach

Spray oil in a frying pan and cook bacon. Cut muffin in half and pop under the grill to toast. When bacon is cooked pop on a plate and put in oven to keep warm. Put an egg ring in the frying pan and crack an egg in to it. This makes it a neatish circle. When the one side is cooked turn it over. Assemble muffin. Pop the bacon on one half of the muffin, then cut the egg out of the ring and place it on top of the bacon. Add a slice of the cheese and pop back under the grill to melt. Meanwhile pop the fresh spinach in boiling water to wilt. Drain and place on top of the cheese. Put the other half of the muffin on top and enjoy!!!!

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